Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Cellphone Echoes in my Head

Pictures are worth thousands of words. I'm still trying to sort out the events of the past couple of weeks around here. Everything is still happening ... I feel like I'm part of someone's science experiment.

In mid-September I began to hear echoes and repetitions of my own voice when speaking. Except I wasn't on a cell phone. I was on my land line.

Yesterday around 11:00 a.m., I suddenly saw a swirling, churning motion inside the upper right-hand corner of my own right eye. I was on the Internet at the time.I say that the visual effect was inside my eye, because if I looked to the right to see it better, the swirling movement would move off further to the right, as my eye moved.

At the same time, I heard people up on the roof. I live on the sixth floor, directly under the roof. In a few minutes, after calming down a bit, I went up there to look around.

The following photo shows you what I saw: Two rectangles on the surface of the roof exactly over where I sit when I'm on my computer on the floor below. 

It looked like two rectangular objects had been put down there to be painted, because there were flecks of what appeared to be white paint around the rectangular shapes. Also, one is more off to the right, which corresponds to the fact that the visual effect was inside my right eye, not in the left eye or in both eyes.

The photo at the beginning of the article shows you a new WiFi cellphone device, recently installed. All buildings owned by the landlord are now equipped with these.

The electrical wires from the WiFi cellphone device run along the outside the building and appear to go inside the building to connect to a big, black box mounted on the wall between the sixth floor and the roof floor. That black box is connected to the same electric line that supplies power to the building's hall lights.
But maybe the black box inside has nothing to do with this story. I don't know.

None of this explains that odd swirling visual phenomenon I experienced for about 3 minutes yesterday morning when I was on the Internet. 

But the cell phone device on the roof a few feet above my head while I'm in the apartment probably goes a long way to explaining why I was hearing echoes and repetitions of  my own voice, even when I was on my land line telephone. The cell phone 'tower' is about 40 feet from my head when I am on the telephone.

I don't think the equipment on the roof was put there by Verizon, Sprint, Nextel, AT&T, or T-Mobile, the traditional cell phone companies, but rather by some other company, perhaps a start-up. I had better leave it at that, dear readers, since all these companies are currently fighting turf wars that are fierce and frightening.
Such is the blood-thirsty nature of modern commerce.

We had an earthquake in NYC at the end of August. We also had a flood. In my personal life, I was bitten by a horde of virulent insects on September 8. Those events sound very Biblical. Then on September 13 I had minor surgery. By the end of October I experienced something very modern: I spoke to a psychiatrist about my difficulties with communication, and he thought I was suffering from paranoid delusions. 

Am I deluded and having hallucinations? 

If these echoes and other audiovisual effects are not hallucinations ... then what are they?

Are some people trying to make me so uncomfortable in my apartment that I am forced to move out? My apartment is located in a very desirable section of New York City. Many people would like it if I moved. 

In fact, if we moved out, the landlord could probably rent the apartment immediately for five times the amount.

Maybe some tenants currently living in this building want me to move out so their friends can move in?

Stories about ghosts, hauntings, vampires, and psychic attacks are very popular in the media in the USA right now, so I must ask: Am I under psychic attack? In other words, is someone or some group of people doing this to me? Someone I know said that was the only explanation.

Or am I doing this to myself?

Is this happening by accident, because of thoughtlessness, or due to ignorance?

Maybe I"m suffering from interference caused by the electronic devices in the apartment or from electromagnetic pollution? A couple of my relatives think so.

It's true that over the years I've had trouble with many appliances in this apartment. The original electrical wiring was done in a patchwork fashion, with the tenants in residence at that time (100 years ago) responsible as individuals for paying to have their own apartments wired.  

A crew of electricians came through a number of years ago, however. They installed four more outlets in every kitchen, one air conditioning outlet per apartment, and modern metal boxes with circuit breakers. So maybe the whole building was grounded and all the electrical problems fixed at that time. But I still have my doubts ....
A Question for Discussion:

1. What do YOU think is going on over at my place? 

Copyright (c) 2011      Barbara A. English

All rights reserved.


  1. My brother said I could build a Faraday Cage inside the apartment, but my neighbors might think I was strange.

  2. Someone said I should ground the Faraday Cage to the new circuit breaker box. Gee, I'd have wires running all over the place! The neighbors would indeed think I was strange!

  3. Someone said the outlines on the roof looked like somebody went up there to paint a bookcase and then turned the bookcase over to paint the other side. Yes, indeed, that's exactly what the outlines look like to me, too.
